International Women's Day Dublin

We rapidly approach the 8th of March which is International Women's Day. The Day when women remember their fight for equality of the genders. First women`s strike was in New York 1908, later on, 1914 in Russia and last was in Iceland in 1975. The last protest brought the first female president to power in Iceland. Dublin was also part of this since the beginning.
Usually every year there is plenty of events all around Dublin. For the Women's International Day lot of exhibitions are held. Events in Ireland range from a women’s rugby club open day at Middleton RFC, Co Cork, to the “International Mott’s Day Party” at Dublin’s Sugar Club. There’s plenty going on in the business sphere too, most notably Accenture’s IWD event in the Convention Centre Dublin on 8th of March.
Up to 1,000 delegates (both women and men) are expected to attend this year, what is slated to be the biggest IWD get-together in the country. Also, there are many debates and shows. Many successful women from Dublin will talk about how was a woman's life in Dublin before and how they developed nowadays.
To mark International Women’s Day (IWD) 2017, we’re calling on workplaces across the city to hold a gathering exploring the theme of #WomenAtWork. This could be a coffee morning with your colleagues, a social outing or a team lunch.
Some of the talks and debates start even a day or two earlier. This year Odeon Cinema point will be placed where Embrace documentary will be projected the day before the main celebration on 7th of March. Embrace is a social impact documentary that explores the issue of body image. Embrace is told from the point of view of a film-maker Taryn as she traverses the globe talking to experts, women in the street and well-known personalities about the alarming rates of body image issues that are seen in people of all body types.
If you are in Dublin for the International Women's Day you should attend some of this events. Also if you want to celebrate with a more relaxing atmosphere you should visit some of the local pubs where usually women are gathering together to celebrate this important day for them.
International Women's Day in Dublin and whole Ireland is the celebration and remembering about equality and respect between the genders. Dublin is the place where you should be this year, not just because there is plenty of events but just because is a warm and friendly place to be.
Book your budget accommodation with Durban Residence Dublin. Rooms located in Dublin City Center are totally refurbished. Enjoy a fantastic day with us!

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Durban Residence,
69 Gardiner Street Lower,
Dublin 1,
D01 FH28

Điện Thoại

01 836 4668


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01 836 4668

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